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Second hand car export quality standards for comments!

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce is seeking the second-hand vehicle export quality standards, such as two industry standard (draft), April 1, the Ministry of Commerce spokesman said peak, expand the used-car exports is to promote the domestic automobile consumption upgrade the domestic and international of the auto industry, promote the smooth dual cycle is an important way. To formulate quality standards for second-hand car export is mainly to solve the difficulties in the international circulation of automobiles.

Overall, China's second-hand car export is still in its initial stage, and there is a huge potential for future development. Gao Feng said China has become the world's largest car ownership country, with sufficient sources of vehicles and complete categories. Car ownership reached 280 million yuan in 2020. According to statistics from the China Automobile Circulation Association, the transaction volume of used cars in China reached 14.34 million in 2020, providing sufficient supply for the export of used cars.

According to the introduction, China's second-hand car is relatively high performance-performance ratio, strong international competitiveness, many good car conditions, low price of the second-hand car is popular in developing countries. At the same time, Chinese automobile production and export management enterprises have established better international marketing services network in the world, can provide comprehensive all-round services for foreign consumers.

Gao pointed out that setting quality standards for second-hand car export is mainly to solve the difficulties in the international circulation of cars. On the one hand, standardizing the export order of second-hand car, on the other hand, ensure the quality of the product, to provide more assured product quality standards for foreign consumers, it will also promote the more sustainable development of the second-hand car export in our country. At the same time, it is beneficial to expand the number of Chinese automobile products in the overseas market.

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