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Sinotruk official certification of second-hand car authorized shop settled in Liangshan

Sinotruk official certification of second-hand car authorized shop settled in Liangshan

On July 8, 2022, "Truk certification, quality Assurance -- Sinotruk Used car certification and authorization shop signing ceremony" was held in Liangshan, China, the country's largest used car trading base. Leaders from Sinotruk Group and Huatong Used Car Market attended the event and witnessed the signing together with the online audience.

Sinotruk group market and brand management department party branch secretary, deputy minister pointed out in his speech Mr BaoHongLiang "of the current Chinese heavy card has more than 8 million cars, heavy card market is from the incremental market to stock market, get through the circulation of second-hand car blocking is the key to the healthy development of the automobile consumption product sustainable elements."

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