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Truck exports hit a new high and Sinotruk sales are staggering

The overall performance is stable and the overseas market has achieved three consecutive years of growth

Looking back on the overseas commercial vehicle market in the past 10 years, it is not difficult to find that China's overseas commercial vehicle export has been in a state of fluctuation from 2010 to 2020. In the past three years, despite the widespread impact of the pandemic on the world economy, China's export market has achieved relatively stable growth.

At the same time, the price of commercial vehicle bicycles sold overseas has also increased year by year in recent years, from $24,400 in 2020 to $25,700, which is about 9,000 yuan higher when converted into RMB.

The increase in the selling price of single vehicle means that the performance of Chinese commercial vehicles exported abroad is developing better in terms of technology and quality, and the terminal cognition in the overseas market is also strengthening.

At present, the top10 export countries of commercial vehicles are mainly Chile, Vietnam, Mexico, the Philippines and other countries. The main export objects are mainly developing countries, especially the third world countries, and few developed countries. China's overall performance in the Chilean market is better, with cumulative sales accounting for about 15%-19% of the local commercial vehicle market in Chile, which is the only developed country ranked in the list.

The domestic market is severe, many commercial vehicles are vigorously developing overseas markets. Relying on the previous work in overseas markets, from brand introduction to vehicle sales after market construction. Today, the sales of commercial vehicles in the original market have further increased, and some enterprises have also opened up markets in the United States, Britain and other European countries, Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries. Predictably, with the continuous cultivation of a new group of pioneering countries, the goal of selling more commercial vehicles to developed countries will be closer and closer to us.

The overseas sales of new cars have greatly enhanced the popularity and market reputation of Chinese truck brands in other countries. Coupled with the strong support of the Chinese government, the sales of used cars exported abroad have been promoted. Second-hand car export pilot increased year by year, the export value also rose. Take Tianjin Port as an example. From January to July this year, Tianjin Binhai New Area exported a total of 1,043 used cars, with a total export value of more than 200 million yuan, including a considerable part of new energy used commercial vehicles.

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