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Analyze the current situation of China's automobile export market

On May 26, The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting the Stability and Quality of Foreign Trade, encouraging innovative, green and high value-added products to explore the international market. We will encourage qualified overseas institutions of Chinese banks to actively provide overseas consumer financial products and support foreign consumers to buy Chinese-branded automobiles under the premise of compliance with the law and controllable risks. We will support more regions in carrying out second-hand car export business, expand the scale of second-hand car export, and improve the quality of second-hand car export.
From the perspective of policy makers, the impact of this policy on China's auto industry mainly includes two parts. The first purpose is to support Chinese auto companies to go global and strengthen and expand Chinese brands. The second aim is to stimulate domestic sales of new cars by encouraging exports of used cars.

As for the new policy, Travel Finance has contacted many Chinese automobile companies successively, but due to time constraints, the enterprises have not made further deployment of relevant policies. We will pay attention to the new overseas policies of automobile companies in subsequent reports, and this paper will only sort out the domestic automobile export industry. We also interviewed Luo Lei, deputy secretary general of China Automobile Dealers Association, who helped us to sort out the current situation of China's used car export industry.

According to auto industry association, in 2021 China's exports to achieve 2.015 million cars, up 101.1% from a year earlier, a 3.7% increase from the previous year, at the same time the volume achieved more than China's auto export perennial hovering around 1 million breakthrough, and in particular to the credit of China's new energy vehicle exports reached 310000 units in the year, That's a threefold increase.

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