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There is a kind of persistence, called the snail spirit.

Let's lead today -- snail truck network (Shandong) e-commerce Co., LTD., it is with this spirit of self-improvement snail, in the process of more than 10 years of entrepreneurship, step by step, to achieve today's achievements and scale.

Today's snail, has grown into the country's largest commercial used car field e-commerce platform. The platform has more than 2 million registered users, more than 20,000 daily active users and 36,000 annual transactions, making it a leader in the industry.

In 2016, Snail Truck Network was formally established. The company's business mainly involves offline market operation in the field of commercial used cars, big data platform construction, e-commerce trading platform and cross-border e-commerce platform, vehicle export and other business segments.
The offline market independently built by the company is the largest commercial second-hand car trading base in China, with an annual transaction volume of over 37,000 vehicles and a transaction volume of over 5 billion yuan. With more than 500,000 copies of commercial second-hand car transaction data, the company independently developed the project of "Residual Value Assessment Platform for commercial second-hand Car based on big data technology" based on the massive transaction data stored and using big data technology. At present, the platform has become a key vehicle evaluation platform in the industry, calling data 15,000 times a day.

In 2019, Snail Company was approved as the country's first batch of second-hand car export pilot enterprises. Since the pilot, the vehicles sold in Africa, central Asia, southeast Asia, central Asia, South Asia 43 "neighbourhood" all the way along the countries and regions, has become the biggest commercial used in the national pilot enterprises export enterprises, in line with the vehicle export business, the company independent research and development of "cross-border commercial used car electric business platform", so far, export orders up to more than 3000 sets, The contract value exceeded 35 million US dollars, and the export volume and value of commercial used cars ranked first in China.
In 2020, under the historical opportunity of Shandong Province's "Eight development Strategies" to vigorously promote the conversion of old and new driving forces, Snail Company tries to take the lead in the conversion of old and new driving forces, and is brave to innovate and strive to build a benchmark project for the conversion of old and new driving forces. The "China (Shandong) Commercial Second-hand Car Export Project" built by the company was approved as a major project in Shandong Province in 2020.

The Specification for Identification and Evaluation of Medium and Heavy Trucks and the Specification for Construction of Tangible Market led, drafted and issued by the company have become important standards used in the industry. The Export Inspection Specification for Used Trucks and Trailers drafted by the company has been highly recognized by the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs as the only standard used by domestic commercial used cars export enterprises.

It has been said that there are perhaps only two animals in the world that can reach the top of the pyramid. One is the eagle, which can soar into the sky with its powerful wings. Is the snail, it can step by step unremitting climb, with a small body to meet the great challenge.

Snail truck network, it is with these two kinds of excellent quality of enterprise connotation, one is the eagle LINGyun ambition, one is the steady progress of the snail, I believe that one day, will be on the top of the dream of success!

Advance despite difficulties, never give up, this is the snail spirit!

Contact Us

Contact: Snailtruck

Email: colin@snailtruck.com

Phone/Whatsapp: +86 18705477225

Add: No. 6, South Of Jiefang Road, Liangshan Economic Development Zone, Jining, Shandong, China