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Ministry of Commerce: Support multiple regions to carry out second-hand car export trade

Recently, at the regular policy briefing of The State Council Information Office, relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce stated that it will explore the pilot of bonded remanufacturing of automobile engines, transmissions and other products, and cultivate a new batch of import trade promoting innovation demonstration zones. At the same time, more regions will be supported to carry out second-hand car export transactions in order to get foreign consumers to buy Chinese-branded cars.

Specifically, to explore and carry out the pilot bonded remanufacturing of automobile engines, transmissions and other products, 13 specific measures will be taken from 4 aspects to promote the stability and quality of foreign trade, and stabilize the industrial and supply chains of foreign trade. We will support the gradual relocation of labor-intensive foreign trade industries in China, ensure their steady development, ensure job creation, and help rural revitalization and balanced development among regions.

We will support enterprises in carrying out bonded maintenance at both ends in the comprehensive bonded zones, and explore trials for the bonded remanufacturing of automobile engines, transmissions and other products. We will strengthen the development of import promotion platforms, develop new import trade promotion and innovation demonstration zones, and increase the import of high-quality products.

In addition, in order to promote the stability and quality of foreign trade, in terms of helping foreign trade enterprises grasp orders and expand the market, we will optimize and innovate the online exhibition mode, create national exhibitions, professional exhibitions and characteristic exhibitions, and help enterprises to obtain more orders. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will be supported to participate in overseas exhibitions by means of "domestic online chat and overseas offline commodity exhibition".

Strengthen the linkage and mutual promotion between the Canton Fair and cross-border e-commerce platforms, intelligent docking of supply and acquisition, and facilitate business transactions. We will encourage innovative, green and high value-added products to explore the international market, support pharmaceutical enterprises in registering and certifying traditional Chinese medicine preparations and biological products, support enterprises in green and low-carbon trade, support foreign consumers in buying Chinese-branded cars, and support more regions in exporting used cars.

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