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Strong momentum of second-hand new energy vehicles going to sea

Recently, at the Second China (Tianjin) Overseas second-hand car export fair, second-hand new energy vehicles became the main model of the exhibition. According to Zhang Tingting, secretary-general of Tianjin Second hand Car Export Association, the number of cars in this exhibition is about 100, three times that of last year. "90% of the vehicles in the exhibition are second-hand new energy vehicles, including many popular new energy vehicles."
"We have about 40 second-hand cars in the exhibition, mainly new energy vehicles of our own brands." Shi Yunsheng, the general manager of Tianjin Huatu Automobile Logistics Co., Ltd., an exhibitor, said that domestic second-hand new energy vehicles have high cost performance ratio, fast technology iteration and large inventory, which are very popular in the overseas market. Many overseas dealers take the initiative to throw olive branches to seek cooperation.
Since the approval of pilot enterprise qualification in September 2020, Tianjin Huatu Automobile Logistics Co., Ltd. has witnessed rapid growth in business volume. In 2021, 252 second-hand cars will be exported with a value of 4.27 million dollars. In the first 10 months of this year, more than 1100 vehicles have been exported, a year-on-year increase of 4 times; The value of goods exceeded 30 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of nearly 10 times, of which more than 95% were second-hand new energy vehicles.

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