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In the first half of the year, the port of Horgos exported 20000 commercial vehicles

Recently, the reporter learned from Khorgos Customs that up to now, the export of domestic commercial vehicles through the Khorgos highway port in the first half of 2022 has exceeded 20,000, a year-on-year increase of 128 percent.

It is understood that an average of 120 commercial vehicles are exported to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries along the "Belt and Road" through the Khorgos port every day.

These vehicles are mainly from Henan, Shaanxi and other places, including forklifts, buses, dump trucks, second-hand new energy vehicles and other types.
In order to shorten the customs clearance time for export vehicles and help domestic commercial vehicles further expand the international market, the Khorgos government coordinated closely with the customs, border control and other departments to timely solve the blocking points and difficult problems in customs clearance

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