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He Zhaoguang, Chairman of Huatong Information Company, was commended

On April 15th, Liangshan County high Quality Industry Development and Investment Attraction Conference was held in Liangshan Hall. The conference commended outstanding entrepreneurs who had made outstanding contributions in promoting the high quality development of the county economy and society. The county Party Committee and the county government awarded He Zhaogang, chairman of Shandong Huatong Used Car Information Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Huatong Information"), the title of "Outstanding Entrepreneur of 2021".

He Zhaogang, an entrepreneur who has focused on China's commercial vehicle aftermarket for more than 10 years, has extraordinary strategic thinking and keen market insight. He actively ADAPTS to and grasps the development trend of Internet +, and has focused on the research and development and promotion of Internet of vehicles applications in China's commercial vehicle field for many years. It has established the Guangan Beidou satellite positioning operation platform and the "Snail used truck" O2O comprehensive service platform covering the whole country. It is a model enterprise of Internet of vehicles application in the field of commercial vehicles in China.

Since its establishment in 2008, Huatong Information Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the concept of innovation and development, leading the company to actively develop in the direction of modernization and information technology, and has achieved a series of outstanding achievements. Under the advocacy of He Zhaoguang comrades, the company has set up a heavy commercial vehicles and circulation industry chain integrated services platform "snail used van O2O" integrated services platform, the platform for typical geared to the needs of social comprehensive service platform, overturning the scene and the second-hand vehicle transaction mode, with the Internet as a platform, integration of sharing the information, service the whole world of second-hand car trading. And in the domestic mainstream truck manufacturers have established strategic cooperative relations.

This honor is not only a full affirmation of He Zhaogang's personal contribution to enterprise development and society, but also a high recognition of Huatong Information Company's innovative development and management philosophy. Comrade HE ZHAOGang SAID THAT UNDER the correct leadership of the county Party Committee and the county government, HUATONG Information Company will continuously improve its operation ability and management level, expand its international vision, enhance its innovation ability and core competitiveness, and contribute more forces to promote the high-quality development of the local economy!

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Contact: Snailtruck

Email: colin@snailtruck.com

Phone/Whatsapp: +86 18705477225

Add: No. 6, South Of Jiefang Road, Liangshan Economic Development Zone, Jining, Shandong, China